So we've taken a look at Jack the Giant Slayer & Disney's Oz: The Great and Powerful. But now we turn to two films that are a little more grown up.
First up is Welcome to the Punch starring James McAvoy and Mark Strong. Strong is the ex-criminal, who due to his sons involvement in a failed heist has been drawn out of hiding - finally giving Detective Lewinsky (McAvoy) his chance to catch the one that got away.
This could be set to be something really special from second time writer and director Eran Creevy whose debut Shifty won him a BAFTA nomination for Outstanding Debut by a British Writer, Director or Producer.
With Creevy's talent for dialogue and authenticity and with a bigger budget at hand this should be a fantastic, tense and thrilling ride. Oh yeah and did I mention Ridley Scott is the Executive Producer - yeah, enough said.
What's to look forward to?
Slow motion shoot outs, London looking as slick and sexy as ever and an appearance from one of my up and coming favourites Daniel Kaluuya. Like me, many of you will have seen him first in the UK's version of Skins but since then he has continued to raise his profile landing roles in Dr Who, Johnny English Reborn, and will also be in this years highly anticipated Kick Ass 2. In his early 20's and having been acting for less than 10 years I'd say the lads done pretty good. See Channel 4's Black Mirror - 15 Million Merit's episode for a standout performance.
What I'm afraid of?
The magic in Creevy's Shifty was provided by a sensitive directing style and a small budget which lead to understated, realistic kind of authenticity. But with £5.5 million in the budget for this one will Creevy still be able to deliver the low key, subtle (and not over acted) performances and dialogue that we know and love him for or will this be all budget and no substance?
Check out the trailer and see what you think.
Welcome To The Punch is released in the UK today 15th March 2013.
Next we have the Emperor.

Starring Matthew Fox and Tommy Lee Jones, Emperor tells the story of the Japanese surrender at the end of World War II and how a young General must make the extremely sensitive decision on whether or not to hang Emperor Hirohito as a war criminal. This looming decision runs paralleled with an ongoing search and love affair for the dashing Matthew Fox who plays the brought in expert on Japanese culture, General Fellers. This movie is a reality inspired fantasy and directed by Peter Webber (best know for The Girl With The Pearl Earring and Hannibal Rising) we can expect this to be a beautifully shot, thought provoking piece of work.
What's to look forward to?
The handsome Matthew Fox, who I've not seen since he was Dr Jack Shephard when Lost concluded in 2010. Not to mention he's wrapped in a WWII General's uniform, can't really complain.
What I'm afraid of?
A number of reviewers have already stated that Tommy Lee Jones is totally wasted in this movie and that would be a terrible shame if it turns out Webber hasn't utilised Jones for the fantastic performances we know he's capable of. Also there were moments in Hannibal Rising where I nearly dropped off to sleep - let's hope that Webber paces this well as most movie goers I know will have a rather large detachment from the subject matter.
Catch the trailer here and let us know what you think if you've seen any of the movies talked about on this blog.
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